Friday, December 7, 2012

Moved site. is better!
Sorry, we have moved BabyStraightTalk to a hosted Wordpress site.  We have also created the option to login or register (Facebook login too!) on the new BabyStraightTalk site with a Forum for discussion, user ranking system, Blog, Product Reviews, Podcast, as well as many other things.  Please check out the new BabyStraightTalk website by going to !

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dekor Plus Diaper Disposal System

Dekor Plus Diaper Disposal System
(Dave gives it 4.5 Stars!)

In this video Dave demonstrates how to change the diaper bag and does a quick product review of the Dekor Plus Diaper Disposal System. Retail price from $43-$47.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How I Got my Newborn to Fall Asleep

Baby has been going through a growth spurt for the past couple days and has barely napped at all today. She was well fed, held a lot, had a bath (after a major diaper blowout) and still would not take a break. I rocked her for a while, then put her in her swaddle pod nice and cozy in her crib (arms slightly out) and turned the fan on in her room for some white noise. That lasted for about 5 minutes. decided to give her a pacifier and zipped her up the rest of the way. It worked! :) This is the longest she's slept in her crib!!!